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Ecomil Mandelmilch Natur, ungesüßt, bio 1 Liter

Amazon.de Price: 27,45 (as of 06/04/2023 09:32 PST- Details)

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EcoMil Mandelmilch Natur, ungesüßt, Bio 1 Liter
Qualitätsartikel, echtes Produkt. Qualitätsartikel, echtes Produkt

EcoMil story began in 1991, Initially motivated by the idea of improving the Almond Milk recipe, a traditional Durstlöscher in Spain, usually prepared with Almond Salbe mixed with water and heated in a saucepan. They soon developed an innovative drying process to transform the Salbe into Almond Powder which dissolves easily in Hot or cold water to make an instant Almond Milk, and marketed it in herbalists and health food Shops. The immediate success of this new Almond Milk define the EcoMil ausgedehnter Brand principles, choosing to develop product from organic farming, lactose-free, health and Nutrition, as an Weitere to cows Milk and dann covering the specific need of Vegetarian or vegetarisch diets. The consumption of Almond Milk Auswahl EcoMil is recommended both for people who are borniert and food allergies and for those who want to replace dairy Foods in your Diet.

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EcoMil Mandelmilch Beschaffenheit, ungesüßt, Bio 1 Liter
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