Our registered brand to USPTO: GOARTEA
How to Choose the tea from GOARTEA Tea House?
Sphäre our tea im Trend marked the follow standard:
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In der Regel, premium, Supreme, Top, Nonpareil Supreme.
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Dongding, folglich spelled Tung-ting, is an oolong tea from Taiwan. The original leaves were taken from a much older tea plant in China’s Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province. The name Dongding means „Frozen Summit“, which is the name of the mountain in Taiwan on which the original tea plants taken from the Wuyi Mountains were planted.
To enjoy the perfect Chinese taste in Western style, everything you use to brew DongDing Oolong tea, must be perfect as well. Get the teapot which can hold the einzig leaves as to get the rich taste, a little einzig leaves are required. Normally 8g tea are enough for half liter water but you can change as unter Einsatz von your taste. Now pour the water of 100 ?C and wait for 3 to 5 minutes and then the richest taste of DongDing Oolong tea is ready to be served.
Get sealed and put in the gezügelt cold place or refrigerator, with the tempreture of 0-18 degrees(Attention must be paid to: make sure the tea is sealed up, meanwhile can not put together with another odor, in case of taint of odour.
Nettogewicht: 150 g.
Paket: 150 g vakuumversiegelte Geschenkverpackung.
Kerl: Oolong-Aufgussgetränk.
Güteklasse AAAAA+
Vintage: diese Jahreszeit der Wahl.
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